

If you are asthmatic or you are having symptoms relating to this condition come for a check up at the Asthma Clinic.


If you have diabetes you will be encouraged to attend for regular check-ups and advice. Family members and carers are welcome.

Baby Clinic (6-8 week check) (by appointment)

Wednesday morning.

Available during this session is Doctor Green and a Practice Nurse

Antenatal (by appointment)

The Midwife holds antenatal clinics on Mondays. She manages most normal pregnancies and deliveries, liaising with the hospitals and Doctors as necessary. Where appropriate they offer home confinements.

Sexual Health

We offer a wide range of contraception at the practice and LARC as part of the wider group with dedicated clinics based at Darnall and city practices.

Well Women appointments are available to discuss all aspects of women’s health and the changes that go on throughout your life. Cervical smears, menopause monitoring and routine health checks are available.

A free and confidential service is available for all age groups (especially young people) to discuss sexual health and contraception. Emergency contraception is available. Please contact the Surgery if you have any questions or concerns.

Chlamydia packs are available from reception, no appointment necessary.

The surgery also provides free condoms, please ask at reception.

Accessing Emergency Contraception - click here for information

Counselling/Psychotherapy Service

We have a team of highly qualified Counsellors based at the practice. To arrange an appointment, all you need to do is simply arrange an initial assessment, and the sessions will be arranged accordingly.

Health Care Assistant

The Health Care Assistant works closely with the Practice Nurse Team managing chronic diseases and includes blood pressure readings, blood-taking, and weight monitoring.

Elderly Care

We offer everyone over 75 years of age an annual check up. Please book an appointment with one of our Practice Nurses. 

Private Medicals

This is not an NHS service and is deemed as private work and as such attracts a fee (click here for details), and is subject to Doctor availability. Private work should be arranged through the Support Manager.

Travel Vaccinations

Foreign Travel advice has become a very specialsed service, as Countries throughout the world have many differing requirements for travellers. As such, the Practice feels that in order to obtain best advice patients will be directed to the new SHEFFIELD TRAVEL HEALTH CLINIC (E Floor at the Royal hallamshire Hospital).

This clinic will assess your vaccination requirements and inform you of any specific risks associated with your holiday destination. Please contact Sheffield Travel Health Clinic on 0114 2712608 to book your appointment ( Clinic times are 2pm to 6pm on Wednesday's only. You will also be required to complete a pre travel questionnaire. There is a consultation charge of £15 and certain vaccinations will also attract a fee.